What’s better than a cup of rich and aromatic coffee to start your day?
The 7-Thirty “Original 3-in-1 White Coffee” lets you enjoy the authentic, rich and creamy coffee with just the right balance of creamer and sugar in every sip, and it is often called “The Golden Ratio”. This white coffee is not only the best seller, but the best that you can get in town.
The signature white coffee is made of only a selected few of coffee beans, slowly roasted with a low temperature, and grinded carefully to the perfect size to give you a taste of premium coffee, which is not to bitter nor too weak. Just the right ingredients and methods to put a perfect cup of coffee when you needed it the most.
The signature coffee that most were able to indulge today began when the coffee connoisseur began their search for just the right kind of coffee beans to produce this unique and exquisite taste. After spending years across the countries, they finally managed to get hold on them.
The signature white coffee is carefully packed in sachets too, for you to casually carry them anywhere and everywhere, and all you need is just pipping a cup of hot water and it’ll give you the deliciously aromatic white coffee.